The Nature Conservancy, Albany, NY (January 2016-June 2023)
Position: Water Resource Scientist
Highlighted Project: Water for Tomorrow (A framework for reforming the way water is managed in New York)
University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst MA
Ph.D., Civil and Environmental Engineering (September 2012-February 2016)
Thesis Topic: A Vulnerability Framework for Assessing the Risks to Water Supply Systems Under
Climate Uncertainty in the Urban Northeastern United States
Advisor: Dr. Casey Brown
Committee: Dr. Casey Brown, Dr. Richard Palmer, and Dr. Jenna Marquard
Area of Study: Water Resources Engineering
M.S., Civil and Environmental Engineering (September 2010-August 2012)
Thesis Topic: Hydrologic Forecasts and Adaptation to Climate Change in the Northeast Water Sector
Advisor: Dr. Casey Brown
Skidmore College, Saratoga Srpings, NY
B.A., Environmental Studies
Cum Laude, With Departmental Honors
Senior Thesis: Composting Feasibility Study at Skidmore College
Senior Capstone: Designing and Institutionalizing a Place-Based Watershed Curriculum in Ballston
Spa, NY
Minor in Mathematics
[1] Whateley, S. and Brown, C. (2016). Assessing the relative effects of emissions, climate means, and variability on large water supply systems. Geophysical Research Letters. 43(21).
[2] Whateley, S., Steinschneider, S., and Brown, C. (2016). Selecting stochastic climate realizations to efficiently explore a wide range of climate risk to water resource systems. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. 142(6), 06016002.
[3] Whateley, S., Walker, J.D., and Brown, C. (2015). A web-based screening model for climate risk to water supply systems in the northeastern United States. Environmental Modelling and Software, 73, 64-75.
[4] Whateley, S., Steinschneider, S., and Brown, C. (2014). A climate change range-based method for estimating robustness for water resources supply. Water Resources Research. 50(11), 8944-8961, doi: 10.1002/2014WR015956
[5] Whateley, S., Palmer, R.N., and Brown, C. (2014). Seasonal hydroclimatic forecasts as innovations and the challenges of adoption by water managers. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000466.
In Preparation:
[6] Whateley, S., Jossett, L., Schuler, G. Water data usage by permitted water withdrawers across New York State. (In preparation).
[7] Whateley, S., Schuler, G., et al. Exploring water resource social networks in New York State. (In preparation).
Conference Talks
[1] Whateley, S., Gibson, C., Schuler, G. Leveraging Technology: Digital Twins for Collabo- ration and Water Governance. In: World Water Week, Stockholm, Sweden, September 2022.
[2] Schuler, G., Gibson, C., Whateley, S. Empowering water leaders: leveraging an open- source curriculum and companion game In: World Water Week, Stockholm, Sweden, September 2018.
[3] Whateley, S., Palmer, R., and Brown, C. A vulnerability framework for assessing the risks to water supply systems under climate uncertainty in the northeastern United States In: ASCE (EWRI) World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Austin, TX, May 2015.
[4] Whateley, S. and Brown, C. Web-based climate change risk assessment tool for water utilities. In: ASCE (EWRI) World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Cincinnati, OH, May 2013.
[5] Whateley, S., Steinschneider, S. and Brown, C. A climate change space-based method for estimating robustness of water resources supply. In: ASCE (EWRI) World Environmental and Water Resources Congress, Cincinnati, OH, May 2013.
[6] Whateley, S. and Brown, C. A climate change risk assessment tool for water utilities in the Northeast US. In: Climate Prediction Applications Science Workshop (CPASW), Logan, UT, April 2013.
[7] Whateley, S., Palmer, R., and Brown, C. Developing a knowledge network of climate information for the Connecticut River Basin. In: AMS 92nd Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, April 2013.
Conference Posters
[8] Whateley, S., Concha, P., Palmer, R. and Brown, C. A Water Management Knowledge Network for the Urban Northeast. In: NEWWA Annual Conference and Exposition, Worcester, MA, April 2014. Poster abstract.
[9] Whateley, S. and Brown, C. Climate variability versus trend effects on water resources in the Northeastern United States. In: American Geological Union (AGU), San Francisco, CA, December 2013. Poster abstract.
[10] Whateley, S., Palmer, R., and Brown, C. Developing a knowledge network of climate information for the Connecticut River Basin. In: WSSS and WRRC 3rd Annual Interdisciplinary Water Symposium, Medford, MA, April 2012. Poster abstract.
[11] Whateley, S., Palmer, R., and Brown, C. Developing a Knowledge Network of Climate Information using Shared Vision Forecasting for the Connecticut River Basin. In: 8th Annual MA Water Resources Research Center Conference, Amherst, MA, April 2011. Poster abstract.
[12] Whateley, S. Social Network Analysis in the Water Sector Columbia University Informa-tion and Knowledge Strategy, June 2023.
[13] Whateley, S. Digital Twins: Enhancing Stakeholder Engagement and Water Resource Management in the Digital Era. In: Unity Creator Day, June 2023.
[14] Whateley, S. Breaking down and bridging silos. In: Polinode Connect, March 2022.[21] Whateley, S. Leveraging digital twins for sustainability in the built environment. In: Unityfor Humanity, November 2022.
[15] Whateley, S. ViRTUE: A web-based climate change risk assessment tool for water utilities. In: EPA CREAT Working Group Meeting, June 2014.
[16] Whateley, S. Hydrology \& Hydraulic Design: Flood Frequency Analysis. Quinnipiac University, May 2015.
The Nature Conservancy
The Nature Conservancy 2018 Peer Award Commitment to Diversity, Water for Tomorrow Team 2018
The Nature Conservancy 2018 Peer Award One Conservancy, Conservation by Design 2.0 Leader 2018
University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst MA
Raymond A. Noga and Karen Murphy Noga Fellowship 2013
Perrell Fellowship 2011-2012
Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, NY
Pi Mu Epsilon Mathematics Honors Society 2008
Student Opportunity Fund Research Grant 2008
Periclean Honors Society awarded for academic achievement 2008
Adele Whitney Morrison '26 Scholarship 2007-2008
Liberty League All Academicl 2006-2008
Honors Forum 2005-2008
Joseph C. and Anne T. Palamountain Endowed Scholarship 2008
Dean's List
University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst MA
[1] Course Syllabus Design for EDUC595K: Intro to College Teaching (Spring 2015)
[2] Undergraduate-level course in water resources systems analysis;
Syllabus Design: Designed a syllabus for an upper-level undergraduate course in water resources systems analysis
[3] Guest Lecturer for CE-ENGIN 662: Systems Analysis (Spring 2014)
[4] Graduate-level course in water resources systems analysis
Lectures: Taught and designed several class sessions
[5] Guest Lecturer for CE-ENGIN 697R ST: Water Resources Planning (Fall 2013, Fall 2014)
[6] Graduate-level course in water resources planning and management
Lectures: Taught and designed several class sessions